Downtown Houston Tour

I have been a Houstonian for nearly 4 month, today is the first time I visited downtown of H-town, and saw the once Enron building.
Enron building consists of two towers: south tower and north tower, seated on 1600 Smith Street, Houston. Its ostentatious style still reminds people of Enron’s dominance in business world. In 2001 the once Fortune on-the-top-of-the-list conglomerate company collapsed in awake of a whole series of accounting and finance scandals in a matter of months.
Enron collapsed, the buildings still stands, it’s an epitome of we human’s sins: greed and selfishness. Quite interestingly, I also found a church right in front of the twin towers, with an eye catching sign on its facade: "Jesus Saves".
God is watching us, why He the almighty still let us fall?
PS: All photos of the buildings as shown in the photo album are taken with a super wide angle lens, (Sigma 12-24mm) Wide angle lens helps to creat stronger persptective view, therefore it is generally suitable for archtecture but not portraits.