








Shawshank’s pick: "Ford is the best in Texas"
What’s yours?




树的颜色看上去像在坟地里  哈哈






Warren Buffet 说:“只有在退潮时才能看到谁在裸泳”。
今天 Benard Madoff 对其造成了投资者$500亿损失的老鼠会骗局供认不讳,将做有罪辩护。他就是一个裸泳者。经济好的时候他可以继续做大做空,现在等着他的是230年的牢狱之苦(如果他能活到300岁的话)。
次贷只渊源,来自华尔街的 incandescently smart 的一些数学 PhD之手,当时万事俱备,东风在手,那东风就是房价和经济一样都会无限制地上涨。

转念一想,山姆大叔是不是也在裸泳呢?Social Security不就是一个寅吃卯粮的老鼠会吗?还有他的国债,等等。

Wasting Money

Wasting Money. What is wasting money? It is spend on things I don’t need.

I paid more than $4000 on camera gears last year, but it was not a waste. Every penny on them was well spent.

I lost $$$$$ on stock market last year, it’s called a tuition paid, painful as it is.

I spent $1400 on a suit, and over its two years under my jurisdiction only served me twice. That’s called wasting money, also a vanity out of stupidity.

I pay almost $100/mo for TV service that I barely watch. I want the service but I don’t need it. It’s a waste of money.

I paid $75 fine for running a red light recently. That’s a waste of money, it’s also called "It serves me right".

There is a $50 digital photo frame I bought 1 month ago and quickly fell out of love with it. It’s also a waste of money as a result of brain short-circuit.

I paid 20% of the original price for a fishing rod 2 years ago and it has yet to see its virgin use. It’s a waste of money only those dumb heads who are self-claimed smart shoppers would do.

There are 4 D type batteries on my cabinet. Simply bought the wrong size which what I needed was c type. That’s a waste of money out of negligence.

The list goes on and on.



第一部是 He’s just not that into you 。故事的框架类似 Sex and City ,讲述几个痴男怨女的纠葛曲折的寻爱故事,每个人的故事的线索都是平行展开,看似松散,决然没有Jerry Springer Show 里的极品toss up,最后每个人的结局也不一样,而每个故事都映射着男女之间的那场游戏的精彩,激动,误解,无奈和感动。一部好的电影,要么像大麻,让你脱离现实(如,蝙蝠侠,LOTR,True Lies),要么就像葡萄美酒,细细品来能让你也对号入座,产生共鸣。这里说一下个人的感觉:我最敬佩的是Gigi,她屡败屡战屡战屡败而每次满怀信心地去追求(最后她是修得正果的咯)。又觉得Alex这猪头多少有些像我,一个呆子+傻子。
最后加一句,此片演员阵容强大:Drew Barrymore, Scarlet Johnnsson, Jeniffer Aniston, Justin Long (那个Mac广告的男生)均在阵中。

第二部是 Taken ,刘鑫同学对此片评价颇高。此片的确情节安排紧凑,是一部好的动作片,而真实性却差强人意。若要谈两片之间的联系,则是:Taken里的老爸,可以不顾个人之生死,奔袭万里来搭救被拐卖的女儿,彰显父母对儿女只爱的无价;而HJNTIY,则充满了一个人丢另一个人捡一打一拉的有意无意的算计,这里一声叹息。


记得当初到我的美国roommate家过圣诞,期间听到他们家里人聊起一个亲戚,自由喜欢jogging,结果30多岁就做了双膝的Knee replacement手术,从此成了个废人。
Pam 是我们组的一个小mm,84年生人。有一天看到她正以热水袋敷膝,好奇中询问才得知,常年跑马拉松的她已经跑得一个膝盖经常性疼痛。用热水袋是想尽快恢复,为的是周末的羞城马拉松。
Michael是另一个同事,年纪更小下月才turn 24。一次搭车和他出去吃饭,聊起体育的话题,才知道他也打网球,踢足球,说着说着,他扔出来一句"My knee is killing me"



There are so much in your life that you just take for granted, until one day, the moment comes, when you have to face you have to live with out.

So frustrated…

Sunday evening. After supper, and out of the blue I suddenly decided to go to WalMart for a facial cream.
10 minutes later I was at the skin care department staring at the bottles of all shapes and colors—dumbfounded. There is lotions, hand creams, deep pore cleansers, vaselines, etc. What is lotion? what’s the difference between cleansers and a facial wash? what…. why…. how…. I felt there were 100 different question hovering in my head, all of which I knew no answers! Towards the end of this confusing struggle, I suddenly realized (or felt?) I was surrounded by only female shoppers, and I decided to leave empty handed.
I have this kind of frustrating shopping experience whenever the item is (1) not coming from a given list, and (2) it cannot be described with voltage, amperage, horsepower, torque, etc. You got me, Ms. facial cream!
Back at home, I opened up the package of some A-shirts, only to realize they are one size smaller. After so many year I still have no idea what size shirt I wear! What an idiot…

I am somewhat relieved by something encouraging: I (1) hacked my Wii; (2) fixed my car’s windshield cleaning system with a 20cents solution. Glad to know I am not useless….