


桌面上msn messenger开始闪烁,一个在纽约州的朋友在向我求救。一番远程诊断后,结论是她的尼桑的发电机坏了。一番询价后她沮丧地告诉我换个发电机最便宜的也要近350刀,其中人工费几乎占去一半。
那些年可谓是阅车无数,对于某些中国农民喜买乐开的日车,如civi-olla, cam-cord甚至蒙上眼睛也能搞定;活计中,小到换油,大到修空调均不在话下。
但是,gone are those good old days,工具箱在储藏室里天天静静地躺着,已经好久未能体味到看到发动机重新转起,出风口里重新吹出冷气时的成就感。

PS: 早上,yue mm打来电话,她最终还是决定买了VW 的 Rabbit,DO$17,000。特此祝贺。






上善若水,游泳可以给你一颗强健的心,有力的肺,宽阔厚实的胸膛,轻盈的四肢,它和跑步不一样,因为它对关节的损伤是零。具体的例证看美国人时髦的"Knee replacement surgery" 就知道了,很多都是年轻的时候慢跑,到了30多岁就烂了膝关节。
闲话少絮,我的游泳运动随和离开塔木嘎然而止。搬家到了休城后也曾想过要加入一个有泳池的健身中心。当中经历些曲折,最终拖沓到现在还未如愿。最近终于鼓起勇气,掏出钱包,加入了24 hour fitness。昔日的泳裤,眼镜早已风化消失,这些东西能够换新,可是我这2年多已没有剧烈运动过的心肺能否也重装上阵呢?(尽管平时坚持打网球,但它需要的更多是爆发力,和需要耐力关系不大)
以往只要歇几个月再开始游泳,第一次都会有低血糖症状,记得有一次差点晕倒在rec center。心想这次如果再来一次那就出糗了,于是便见好就收,2,300米后便爬出了池子。没想到还是晚了些,整个人瘫软在更衣室的长凳上,脸色发白,半个小时才缓过来。最终狼狈地澡都没冲便无力地收拾了东西走出了健身中心。做进车里,才发现左臂已经抬不起来,连拨方向盘的力气也没有。

People’s Republic of Capitalism

Discovery Channel 这两天正在播放一部关于中国的系列专辑纪录片:People’s Republic of Capitalism。其主要内容比较公正,客观,这里是里面一些人物专访的摘录:
"I have to say that I love my country, but I don’t love my government, I trust my government."
"I really believe in Chinese government, because we can see we are living a better life than before."
—-Alan Chong, a professional photographer, a Chinese christian.

"Democracy sounds good, but in reality, it doesn’t always bring you the result. A lot of criticism has been put on china, saying that this is a one party system …… but this is a system that has helped bring China where it is in such a short time in the past 30 years."
"If China were to adopt the western style democracy today, I don’t think I would have so much confidence to invest all this money into China"
"We can see continuity, we can see a very clear objective and goal for the government to pursue, and we can work hand in hand for the good of the place."
—-Vincent Lou, a billionaire real estate developer engaging in business in ChongQing

"You and I both agree that the best way to solve this problem is not by rampant democracy, it’s by controlled change informed by very smart people over time."
—–Ben Wood, a U.S. architect working in China, a former US Air Force fighter pilot.

Something about Human Rights

James Reynolds is a BBC correspondent in BeiJing. He is running a blog (link is here) on China. In today’s issue, here is an excerpt of one of the readers’ comments:

"While the West, particularly Americans, need to wake up and smell the
coffee as to what "human rights" are truly about: NOT merely ephemeral
intangible rights such as religion or political freedom, but the equal
right to tangible resources, quality of life, and per capita
consumption of limited resources. As such, so long as the West is
refusing to tighten its own belt, such a stance will forever be viewed
as a serious act of hypocrisy."

So true in deed.

First day of house search

Finally decided jump onto the housing market…
After the first day of search, found house hunting is so much like dating:
(1) Find a house in too too distant is no good, it’s too gasoline (emotional) draining;
(2) In a desired target region, find a ideal, suitable house is not easy, compromise has to be taken;
(3) What kind of house to have depends on both your own condition, and the house’s condition;
(4) Many times people depend on agents to find better houses;
(5) Housing market follows a simple equation of supply and demand; (California sucks for boys, NE sucks for girls, haha)
(6) Once clinched on a house, a down payment is needed (engagement ring), many times it can be very expensive;

the rest? you name it.

Fun time begins

It’s all over. The king is dethroned. Roger Federer has never been the runner up of any Grand Slams until today. It was a brilliant match and unfortunately only one was happy with the outcome. Federer was holding the silver plant, solemnly, even with tears in eyes. After all, he has never been No.2 before.
Hey, wake up Roger! The end is just a beginning! You lost because you were too good for the rest before! Hope Rafa will bring out the better of you!
For us, the fun time just began.

Fashion invasion to tennis

I see some eye-pleasing trend happening to the current tennis world. It started from the female player: Maria Sharapova. Now Nike has even brought it to men’s tennis by dressing up Roger Federer.
This year, Nike silently gave him new shoes and shirt. Check it out:

The logo is a R and F, reflecting its owner. and the four gray Swiss cross tells people Roger already has four Wimbledon Champship Trophies (the photo was take in 2007, and this year there are 5 stars.) The gold lining emanates a royal, classy feeling, after all, Roger is the king of Wimbledon.

Here are some serious fashions he did:

Above: Federer poses for Vogue

Above: Roger Wears Prada (Trench coat: $1110, Wool suit: $2825, Shirt: $395, Tie: $160)


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