
“As much as we may dislike playing games, we have little choice in the matter. So instead of fighting the game, why not play to win. Most people do not play to win. Rather, they play to remain in their comfort zone while maintaining moral superiority.”
有部老电影《primary colors》,讲的是一个南方小州的州长竞选美国总统的故事。此州长银色头发,声音沙哑,好色,说到这里大家都会知道是在隐喻谁。我想可能99%的人都会把这它当作取笑克林顿的电影。但换一个角度看,又有谁能从政客中找到一个义人?剧中的Stanton也好,克林顿也好,最终都是按规矩出牌的一般人,剧中年轻的 Burton 最后和 Stanton 州长和好,也是因为他最终看清了游戏的规则。不管手段如何,毕竟克林顿还是给美国带来了最繁荣的一段时光。像屈原那样刚直不阿的,纵然抱负满江,最终还是落得一事无成,为鱼做饵而已。


昨天由于工作需要把自己三年前的一份email翻了出来,email是发给东西南北各区的主管的,才注意到这四个区的官职依旧,而人却已全非了。东区主管Bill现在成了training manager,我们塔木的一个年轻人Kyle取了他的位置;西区Mike主管回到了他的家乡加州,取而代之的是黑胖子ricardo。南区的黑帅哥Sean转到美国公司里最大的depot做manager,他的位置由南方土地Brady顶上;北区的Rob是个1米93的大胖子,性格爽朗,好打交道,很快就和他称兄道弟,他在AirLiquide熬了5年终于升任national asset manager,他手下的兵Eric因为他陆战队留下的准确无误的作风也升任北区主管。人生如战场,不进则退,职场亦然。想到这里,多少感到些些压力。

另外就是再次看到了David。他是公司从pensake挖过来的National Fleet Manager。几个月前他突然被查出来患了癌症,于是便消失了。这次他再次出现,真可以用触目惊心来形容。本来200多磅的体重几乎消去了一半,配上他六英尺的身高,穿的还是以前的衣服,就像放了气的气球,如不经风;脸上更是可怕,本来饱满的脸意识颧骨突起,眼窝深陷,原先的红润已被黑暗取代,连嗓音也变得颤颤巍巍。昨日今朝,他一下子就老了20岁。 All looked like he had his life sucked out of himself. 我不愿去猜想在这几个月里他经历了什么,希望他能够善待自己,战胜病魔,同时也告诫自己要善待自己,让病魔离自己远点。

What does Team Work mean?

It means we are doing different things for the same goal, it means your work progress depends on others; It also means —-
When we were finally able to test the new release of the project software done by colleagues in Paris, only to find out there are more bugs, let alone unfixed bugs they claimed to have fixed in the release note. They have been the project bottle neck for months. With the deadline approaching faster and faster, I tried to be upbeat, but boss’ face looked grimmer than ever.

I realized teamwork also means no finger pointing when some people in the team screwed up, again and again.
It really goes against your basic instinct when you are so much pissed off.
Keep cool.


下午例行的周会时心中突然萌生了撒手不干,换个公司的想法。真没想到自己原先计划推行的一些新方法竟然会遭遇如此之大的阻力。我在两个月前就设计好的新的算法,因为要触动一些人几十年以来养成的习惯方式,就搞得让他们 freak out。为了能帮他们理解新方法的好处,我powerpoint 也做了,还用时无数按照他们的习惯喜好做了图表。几周下来,竟然几个分区的经理还是在最初的一些基本概念上绕圈圈。下午还闹出了自相矛盾的笑话,真令人哭笑不得。他们唯一的理由就是新算法得出的数字太 agressive ,看上去不爽。只有真正花时间认真审核过这些数字的北区经理是例外,可惜他没有大学学位,在学位置上潜规则的公司里,说话也不敢大声,自然听者寥寥。

离开,或是被他们牵着走就是认输,我不干。让我接受complacency ,我也不干。

另外,最近去的 meditation 的修炼很有帮助,急性子的我照以往遇到如此无厘头的诡辩早就跳起来跟他们对骂了,下午3小时竟然还能 stay cool — amazing。

Passed the crossroad

A couple of months back boss asked me if I wanted to transfer to R&D. That came as more or less of a surprise to me. I felt quite comfortable staying in the company’s operations side, and there is no reason to move. Although I didn’t want to move at all, based on the principle of "never say never", I told boss I wanted to "wait and see"
This afternoon Grace called in. She is one of my very few Chinese colleagues. I first met her right after joining the company three years ago and ever since we kept in constant contact. Despite the fact AirLiquide being a French company and doesn’t like foreigners (Even in AirLiquide America, Americans are still foreigners), she still managed to move up to the position of Marketing Director, a very prestige position.
During the conversation, I asked her opinion about the possible transfer and her immediate response was: "Why not?"
Then she laid out the reasons, ranging from R&D’s global exposure, cross branch architecture, and above all, the availability of abundant funding. I immediately felt enlightened and damned myself for failing to to see the whole picture in the beginning.
Now recessed in the couch of my cozy home, I am reflecting. There are a couple of things I should learn:
1) It’s extremely beneficial to have acquaintances higher up in the corporate as your mentor (上海话叫老法师Wink) . Since they are higher up, they have a much wider vision. And able to see what we are not able to.
2) In a corporate environment, it’s the control on resources that gives you job security, and the control of funding gives you status.
3) This is the most important one: The biggest enemy against me is complacency. Corporate life is different than school years. As a student, a few nights on the eve of exams can keep myself as a good student; but as a professional, the challenge is daily. Being buried in daily routine can blur your vision, slow down your pace, and drain your ambition.

I have been sitting in my comfort zone for too long. It’s time to take a move. Up.
Although I will work harder than ever, but there will be no frustrations on my having to let go my ideas, only to see me do more I like to. Above all, I will see a better me.


自从去年11月经济危机的风暴到来,公司的业绩也受到了影响,首先是 stock option 没了,接着便是销售额的滑坡。更近的就是传来我们的两家竞争对手 Air Products 和 Praxair 各自宣布全球范围内裁员 5% 的消息。山雨欲来,而公司里却平静的很。
风最终还是来了。一早就收到公司新总裁的email,宣布下午公司有重要事项宣布。由于我们的办公地不在公司的美国总部,所以就都只好 conference call 到现场。下午两点,通气会开始,楼里也顿时安静下来,几乎每个人的电话机前都传来一样的声音。意料之中的是公司09年展望很悲观,而没有意料到的是,对于有3000多人的北美分公司,仅仅裁员15人(另外有9人提前退休,转行等等)。CEO还多次强调,除非经济形势再有意想不到的恶化,这将是公司唯一的一次裁人。


Slient Night, Leisure Night

在经历了数周时间后,我周末做完的test case在今天下午正式通过了测试。经过比较,我的test case比人工结果提高了10%,而我们的承包商做的解决方案又比我的好了8%。这意味着project完成后,单单在美国就会为公司每年节省至少两千万美元的支出。

Rewards on consecutive 70 hour work weeks —- $25;($25 BestBuy gift card for being the Player of the Week)
Rewards on countless voluntary overtimes —- $0;
Rewards on seeing our effort turns into something that works —- priceless.




We Not Me

今天法国总部方面一下子就过来了三个人sebestian, raphael,和两年没见的 suzzane。下周Jeal-Noel, Mike等人也将纷纷而至,他们在休斯顿要驻扎至少一个月。
早上走进会议室我都能感到空气中紧张的气氛。经过短短的项目周列会,大家便迅速投入各自负责的部分忙碌起来。以前和sebestian, raphael, suzzane 联系都是远隔大洋,还有7小时的时差,现在面对面,效率高了很多。很快便解决了不少的问题。


23:53. It’s almost Thursday and I have yet to finish a software tool I promised to deliver on Wednesday. I almost gave my best. Life in the past three weeks was virtually nothing more than eat-sleep-work.
It’s the dim light at the end of the tunnel that’s keeping me hanging there. It’s a rewarding project and I have to give my best…

Hang on.

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