
I walked into coffee room in the afternoon after long hours of non-stop work, something flashed into my mind:

"Life is only as good as you see it"
"Life is short, Enjoy it, or waste it"

+u to you all,
and to me


不知道先爱上摄影再爱上旅游,还是先爱上旅游再爱上摄影。似乎这两个是不可分离的一对。以前做学生时尽管穷得连叮当也响不出来,但还是有些机会趁假期出去跑跑,单加州就去过三次,甚至还做过再游欧洲和非洲探险的梦但这些梦最终都已资金问题而胎死腹中。到后期潦倒到连回家看父母的盘缠都没有着落。工作开始3月有余,虽然在物质上丰富了很多,然而同时也意识到了这些梦想正在无情地离我远去 — 假期太少了。

About Job Interview

It’s suprising today Dr. Culp offered me a mock interview after our meeting. He has been in the industry for over 20 years with glorious success.
Here are some exerpts I got:
1: Tackle the interviewer’s mind
   Why do they want to hire you? They want you to solve their problems, not create problems; they want to find someone to help them; If he is a manager, he wants someone to push him up along the ladder!
2: About the company itself
   Research the company, what the company does, more importantly, what’s their problem! And think hard on how you can solve their problems with your knowledge!
3: Answering questions
   (a) Be specific, use realistic examples, be applicable. For example, to answer "What’s your favorite course?", you can say, "my favorite course is linear programming, the type of problems that can be solved with linear programming can be……., which is very useful for the company’s need….."
   (b) Always be positive. Remember the standard question of "How do you think of your previous boss?". the standard answer is to never say anything negative about him/her. But what if you are asked: "Which is the course you don’t like most?" Same! Start from negative then turn around and show you tackled it successfully! The answer could be: "The couse that gave me most trouble is Financial Management II, I skipped its prerequsite and jumped directly onto this course, only to realize it was too much for me to handle since I lacked many basic knowldeges introduced in the prerequsite. I wanted to give up and some point of time BUT soon decided I was going to hang on and beat it. I borrowed reference book from library and read it, asked classmates for help and went to see professor…. (basically how exactly I beat it)….. and finally I got an "A"………" Sell yourself through "negative experience" huh?
Some random thoughts….
Dr. Culp is a professor at Arch. If I could met him earlier! He is such a helpful person, and the very first one that I can truthfully say he is a "mentor"……