Job Offer is gone

At that moment on the phone, I knew, the job offer is gone, when I told them I can’t start in mid August. I am technically jobless again and still keep looking and waiting. It also makes me feel good though, saying bye-bye to the chicken-rib offer can force me to focus on the next one — no matter better or worse. 
Like searching for my solemate, will keep looking until I am sure I find the One.

Salary Negotiation-2

Finished my first counter-offer letter today. I asked $12,000 more for salary…..

I still recalled I just accepted what’s offered for my first job in China. And salary negotiation was something that’s never heard of then, there.

Kinda of interesting. If I succeed, that’s a Honda Civic’s difference per year!

Salary Negotiation

Excellent for salary negotiaiton.

Photography-How to clean CCD sensor of your D-SLR



  工具:吹气球1只,镜头纸若干。 分析纯以上纯度的酒精一瓶,小型手电筒一只(或者可用脖子能任意角度拧动的小台灯一只代替),普通医用棉签一包,干燥箱一只(可以用可扎紧的塑料袋以及刚拆开的旺旺雪米饼里面的干燥剂代替)
































About Job Interview

It’s suprising today Dr. Culp offered me a mock interview after our meeting. He has been in the industry for over 20 years with glorious success.
Here are some exerpts I got:
1: Tackle the interviewer’s mind
   Why do they want to hire you? They want you to solve their problems, not create problems; they want to find someone to help them; If he is a manager, he wants someone to push him up along the ladder!
2: About the company itself
   Research the company, what the company does, more importantly, what’s their problem! And think hard on how you can solve their problems with your knowledge!
3: Answering questions
   (a) Be specific, use realistic examples, be applicable. For example, to answer "What’s your favorite course?", you can say, "my favorite course is linear programming, the type of problems that can be solved with linear programming can be……., which is very useful for the company’s need….."
   (b) Always be positive. Remember the standard question of "How do you think of your previous boss?". the standard answer is to never say anything negative about him/her. But what if you are asked: "Which is the course you don’t like most?" Same! Start from negative then turn around and show you tackled it successfully! The answer could be: "The couse that gave me most trouble is Financial Management II, I skipped its prerequsite and jumped directly onto this course, only to realize it was too much for me to handle since I lacked many basic knowldeges introduced in the prerequsite. I wanted to give up and some point of time BUT soon decided I was going to hang on and beat it. I borrowed reference book from library and read it, asked classmates for help and went to see professor…. (basically how exactly I beat it)….. and finally I got an "A"………" Sell yourself through "negative experience" huh?
Some random thoughts….
Dr. Culp is a professor at Arch. If I could met him earlier! He is such a helpful person, and the very first one that I can truthfully say he is a "mentor"……

First Job Offer

Many things happened this year byond my expectation.
I had prepared a rough job hunting and therefore I started early, real early. But I didn’t expect I can get the first offer, so early. A company in California, is waiving at me.
Suddenly I realized, for so many years I have been cursing Texas as a red neck state, only to find out in fact I am already a Texan, who doesn’t want to leave the State. The company in CA made an pretty decent monetary offer according to Texa standard, but the living expense and housing price blew away the job deal totally. Oh, yeah, there are so many reasons to stay in Texas: easier life, way cheaper house……. I am suprised I am such a realistic guy now.
Probably I am going to let this offer go away. And I won’t regret if I cannot get a job as good. During our lives, we are all gamblers to some sense, we must prepare to lose if we want to win.


今天联航面试的时候和 Enterprise Optimization Group 的总经理谈到了job security 的问题。他的观点就是“as long as you are smart enough and know your stuff, you never need to worry about it.”他又补充道,“From the talk, you are smart and should have no problem.


聪明是一个形容词,几乎每一个形容词都是描述相对概念的。这不仅包含对人的相对,而且包含对概念的相对。一个智商 170 的人相对于智商 190 的人还是一个笨蛋;类似的,有人在动手方面比别人强然而可能在动脑方面又比较弱。在 Enterprise Optimization Group 里有一半的人都有哲学博士学位,我想我在这批人当中应该算不了聪明。

美国人似乎特别在意聪明这个词,甚至将 PhD 等同于聪明。真的是这样吗?A&M 毕业的博士中有多少白痴?比尔盖茨却连本科学位也没有。但是我想他们有一点还是对的,那就是聪明基本是先天的,你改变不了。

