
年初在房奴买房为奴不久以后,为了省钱,把哈皮地用了3年的AT&T UVerse给掐了,为此生了90刀/月的开销。现在世界杯在即,外加父母大人即将到访,房奴的这颗便宜的心又活动起来。在左右询价、研究后,房奴决定选择Dish Network,其中原因有下:
2:multi-room 的机顶盒不多收钱;
于是开始给Dish Network打电话,在和他们的客服聊天中,对方突然跳出来了个50刀的documentation fee,顿时严词要求把它waive掉—房奴最烦的就是这documentation fee。买个20w的房子才收几百刀,买个2w多的车才收50刀,一个几百块的电视节目竟然要拔我50刀,没门!
无奈中,就像打电子游戏一样,小鬼死翘老鬼登场,客服叫来了她的manager和房奴对决。房奴曰那document fee属于不合理收费,那厮振振有词,曰:documentation fee是为了更好地向客户提供维修以及其他服务而设,就像是大家现在都要买健康保险一样,乃合理之举,云云。房奴听到心中窃喜,没想到这么快argument就出了破绽,那就休怪我不客气啦!于是房奴房奴马上回敬曰:如果我车撞了,却要用健康保险向先生您讨钱去付修车费,您说这不是明显的谬论嘛~~ 对方哑口无言,在承诺给房奴50刀的credit作为抵消后便败下阵去。

(PS,为了这个55寸电视的deal,房奴猴急地冒雨去提货,结果不当心撞了车—要知道那车才9k迈啊。一个2mph的车祸,就废了房奴(外加保险公司)3300大刀,真可谓是cheap cheap,机关算尽结果是人算不如天算—唉)


然而很快它便堕落了。经历了一个倒霉的周末后,今天早上再去大华,才发现小吃一条街上已经不见了dim sum,取而代之的是硬硬的油条和嚼不动的葱油饼;菜是否新鲜已经看不出来,看得出来的是不菲的价格。转了一圈,竟然不见黄国宝大米。只得失望而归。


上周末又做了些studio shots,以前的都是用高调的风格拍的,这次尝试了写低调的主题。低调摄影太难了。。。。。。



当前的设置是媒体室里的电脑是通过WIFI无线网连接到家里的大网络的,而可怜的802.11 WIFI 的54mbps的速度只是个理论,而实际速度很难超过2mbps,外加上墙壁遮挡,等等速度就更慢,更要命的是,54m的带宽是大家共享的,网络上的Wii外加我的本本们都会和媒体播放抢饭吃。而要能播放1080p的节目,传输带宽至少需要10mbps。
看到了那8跟线,房奴心中顿生杀电话线改网线的念头。到ebay上花了10刀买了无数ethernet wall plate和rj45的接口,工程便开始了。经过房奴研究,房奴发现要实现100mbps的链接速度,只要用8跟中的4跟就行了。于是,三下五除二,便如图实施了:



From Greece to the terminator of democracy

Greece, the country where modern democracy originated, is in deep trouble. With a staggering debt that surpassing its GDP, it is struggling to keep itself from bankruptcy. In an effort to keep the country out of insolvency, the government and parliament has passed austerity measures aiming at controlling the extravagant spending in the public sector. 
However, the measures touched many people’s cheese, and for the past few days demonstrations in the country has not only caused fatal casualties, but also led to the panic in world finance. Today, DOW Jones index, at one point, almost dropped 1000 points — although it was a human error that triggered the huge sell off, nonetheless, it’s clear that people are all scared.
But wait, isn’t that ridiculous? Let’s take a look at those people who are so pissed off at their own government: some years ago, those people democratically elected the government they are protesting against; some years ago, they, through their parliament, voted to grant themselves one of the most generous governmental benefits. So generous that even the word outrageous can be used here: they can get bonus simply by going to work on time; their children can continue collect their pension even after their death; the list goes on and on. Logically, government spending must be accompanied with sufficient tax collection and strong economy, but, what does Greece have? Its productivity is one of the lowest in Europe, and to make things even worst, most people only pay a tiny portion of their due taxes. Under all these democratic procedures, the people of Greece has gradually dragged their own country into the crisis, and at the same time, they morphed into a whole bunch of lazy people who live out of the halo of their past glory.
All power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. The same principle applies to democracy. And that’s why every democracy went down in history eventually.


Stay tuned…