What a Weekend

才买了的海尔洗衣机准时地在一年保修刚刚过期的时候 break down 了。从洗衣机的底下流出来的水在洗衣房和厨房流了一地,在紧急处理过后我毅然决定把它开膛破肚找出问题所在。在花了一个半小时,把这个70公斤的东西反过来到过去好几次後终于找到了症结所在。是一个纯粹的质量问题。真没想到我注入无比信任的国产品牌就这样在我面前变成了一块废铁。接下来就是拍照留证,并且准备给海尔美国和海尔中国写信投诉。
等会儿还要为明天的一个重要的business meeting做准备,加上投诉信,还有还未解决的晚饭。。。。已经九点多了,我才刚刚开始忙活。

French Open Final 2007

For Roger Federer, it is all about winning French Open. It should be the time. Not only fans were expecting, Fed himself even for the first time got the better of Nadal on clay and took Hamburg Open. However, in French Open Final, he surrendered once again, so lifelessly.
He is already 25. For a tennis player, he doesn’t have many years left, and yet he has this one more thing to prove. Will Fed ever be able to do it?

When asked about the rival between him and Agassi, the tennis legend, a 14 slam winner, Pete Samprass said matches between Agassi and him always helped to bring out the best of him. However, in Sunday’s game we only saw a sluggish, distracted and lackadaisical  Federer.  From this point, Federer the Great, is not great enough.


家门口的 Briar Forest Drive 是一条安静的小道,可是它的限速确实变态的35唛。按照我通常的风格,都是要近50唛的速度在这条小道上飞过;一是为了省油,再就是,呵呵,反正休斯顿警察少 😛
今天从walmart购物回家,一路上突然从CD里听到了一首伤心的情歌,当时可谓是触景生情,郁闷中脚下油门也松了。黑暗中我的视线里闪过一辆躲在隔离带里的警车 — 吼吼,郁闷的心情帮我省了一张超速罚单!顿时心中由悲转喜。