Another Week

本周是公司2010年 National Field Championship 周,这类似于国内的工人技术比武。我们是气体服务公司,服务链始于销售,而终于送气的司机。这些人就是平时你们在路上看得到的开18轮的司机。
既去年第一次,本年我又不幸被抓壮丁为 NFC 摄影,我也不含糊,拉了同组的两个同事陪葬,三人行一起去拍。作为在公司混了快5年的老油条,已经熟悉美国人公司活动都是以吃为中心,所以本周和厨房停战,虚胃以待。周二准(饭)点杀至城西北角的赛马场,胡吃海喝一通。真是过分,我这个按照世界标准超重的胖子,在公司里从五湖四海飞过来的同事中竟然显得跟非洲难民一样,看着他们个个长得跟蚕宝宝一般,连走100米的路都要搭乘golf cart,心中不禁感叹自己付的医疗保险就是这样付之东流的。

A Conversation Between Me and an Apple CSR

Joshua: Good afternoon, how are you …

Joshua: How can I help you sir?
Me: My iPhone4 is having sporadic connection problem with my car’s blue tooth system.
Joshua: I am sorry to hear that, let me see if I can help you to pin-point the problem. May I ask what kind of car you drive?
Me: It’s a 2010 Volkswagen Jetta.
Joshua: Oh! That explains it! See, yours is a 2010, and blue tooth of that car might be even older, maybe 2009. You see, your iPhone is a lot newer than your car. Because your blue tooth is old, it’s not surprising it doesn’t support the newer iPhone!
Me: Then, what can I do to solve the problem?
Joshua: You can go to your Volkswagen dealer and ask them to update your blue tooth system.
Me: Wait a minute, it doesn’t make sense. I have used many cellphones to connect to my car’s blue tooth system, they include: Sony Ericcsson, Samsung, BlackBerry, even iPhone 3 and iPhone 3Gs, and they are all good, why does the problem only happen to iPhone4?
Joshua: Well, may I ask are any of these cellphones latest model?
Me: No.
Joshua, Then, since they are all older models, it’s not surprising older models talk to older models w/o any problems.
Me: (after a long, fainting pause) So, what you are saying is, we’ll have to convert the whole, *old* world to work with new iPhone4?
Joshua: yes sir.
Me: (faint again) Okay…. Well, I have to tell you, I’ve done a lot of research on internet, mine is not a isolated case, there are millions of complaints on iPhone4’s spotty blue tooth connection problem. May I ask, does Apple have any plan to fix this issue in its next firmware release?
Joshua: Sorry sir. I am afraid they will have to either update their software or upgrade their hardware. Since it’s not an Apple problem, there is nothing for us to fix.